Ongoing research; last updated 21 November 2013
20th December 1937 – General Purposes Sub-Committee, reported on
3rd January 1938 – Parks Committee
3rd January 1938 – Parks Department (Operations Card 26 D1)
The following report of the General Purposes Sub-Committee was submitted:-
Selly Oak Park
A request was recently received from Mr. D. Southall of 31 Woolacombe Lodge Road, Selly Oak, on behalf of the ratepayers of the Weoley Park Farm Estate that the path in this park leading from Corisande Road to Harborne Lane should be made fit for the public to walk on.[1]
It has been noted that a large number of people cross the park direct from the new Housing Estate to the entrances in Harborne Park Road and at the corner of Gibbons (sic) Road and Harborne Lane, and it is desirable that an entirely new road or pathway, 9ft. wide, should be constructed to meet the requirements of the present day traffic across the park between points “A” and “C” on the plan and to make up the old cart track from point “C” to where it joins the new pathway.
The estimated cost of this work, including drains etc., is £600, and your Sub-Committee recommend that the necessary provision be made in the estimates for the forthcoming financial year.[2]
2353 Resolved:- That the proposals, detailed in the foregoing report, for the construction of a new pathway across Selly Oak Park and the reconstruction of the old cart track be approved, and that provision be made in the estimates for the forthcoming financial year to cover the cost thereof estimated at £600.
31st January 1938 – Administration Sub-Committee, reported on
7th February 1938 – Parks Committee
The following report of the Administration Sub-Committee was submitted:-
The following appointments have been made in order to fill vacancies on the staff, which your Sub-Committee recommend be confirmed.
(from which)
Name Park Nature of Commencing Wages
Employment Date
Slater, J.D. Selly Oak Pk. Pk. Labr. 19. .1 38 £2. 16. 0.
2436 Resolved:- That the various appointments detailed in the foregoing report which have been made to fill vacancies on the staff of the Department, be confirmed.
28th March 1938 – Administration Sub-Committee, reported on
4th April 1938 – Parks Committee
The Administration Sub-Committee submitted the following report:-
Wages – Manual Staff
Your Sub-Committee have considered the attached list of increases in wages of the Manual Staff of the Department which they recommend for approval as from 4th April, 1938.
Park Name of Designated Length of Present Increase
Employee Post Service Wage Recommended
Selly Tarr, A. Pk.Keeper 27 yrs. £3. 11. 8. 2/4
Oak (Hse. Fuel & light
& Mackintosh)
2563 Resolved:- That the recommendations in respect of the increases in wages of members of the Manual Staff of the Parks and Cemeteries Department as set out in the foregoing report be approved with effect from 4th April 1938 , and that ………. (subsequent was nothing to do with Selly Oak Park).
The General Manager submitted the following report:-
Maintenance of Drives, Footpaths, etc.
The following amounts have been provided in the Revenue Estimates for 1938/39, for the maintenance of drives, footpaths, etc. in various parks, recreation grounds and open spaces.
Selly Oak Park £600 (-part of a list)
The Specification and Bill of Quantities have been prepared and the authority of the Committee to advertise for tenders is requested.
It is suggested that the amount of the Contract should not exceed £6000; this will leave a small margin to cover emergency repairs etc.
Maintenance of Drives, Footpaths, etc.
2595 Resolved:- That the General Manager be authorized to advertise for tenders in accordance with details set out in the foregoing report for the maintenance of drives, paths, etc. in various parks, recreation grounds and open spaces, during the year 1938-39.
25th April 1938 – Administration Sub-Committee, reported on
2nd May 1938 – Parks Committee
The Administration Sub-Committee submitted the following report:-
Staff – Probationers
The following employees of the department have completed their probationary period of service satisfactorily, and your Sub-Committee recommend that they be placed on the permanent staff as from 2nd May 1938, subject in the case of the Parks Policemen to their passing the necessary medical examination.
Name Park Nature of Entered Date of
Employment Service Birth
Slater, J.D. Selly Oak Pk. Labr. 19. 1. 38. 26. 4. 1899
2638 Resolved:- That the various employees of the department referred to in the foregoing report as having completed satisfactorily their probationary period of service be placed on the permanent staff of the Department as from 2nd May 1938, subject in the case of the Parks Policemen to their passing the necessary medical examination.
30th May 1938 – Administration Sub-Committee, reported on
20th June 1938 – Parks Committee
The following report of the Administration Sub-Committee was submitted:-
Selly Oak Park
An application has been received from the Selly Oak and Bournbrook Children’s Christmas and Summer Party Fund for permission to hold their Annual Children’s Festival in Selly Oak Park on Saturday, the 25th June, for the park to be closed to the public between the hours of 1 - 5 p.m. and for a fun-fair to be taken into the park.
The Administration Sub-Committee Minute records the following correspondence:-
Children’s Christmas & Summer Party Fund
May 13th 1938
E.S. White, Esq.,
General Manager,
Parks & Cemeteries Dept.,
Corporation St.,
Dear Sir,
Reference to the Children’s Festival on Saturday
June 25th 1938
Further to my letter of the 4th inst. applying for permission for the use of Selly Oak Park for the above Festival.
My Committee wish to ask if you would allow them to have a small fair on the Park for this day?
The name of this Fair is Wilson’s Fun Fair and I believe that during the summer they appear at several parks in the City at different functions.
If your Committee would grant us this favour we feel sure it would add to the attractions of our Festival.
Thanking you,
I am,
Yours faithfully,
(Sd) A.E. Wheeler.
Hon. Sect.
Children’s Christmas & Summer Party Fund
May 19th 1938
E.S. White, Esq.,
General Manager,
Parks & Cemeteries Dept.,
Corporation St.,
Dear Sir,
Your Ref. ESW/AMW dated May 16th 1938
I have interviewed Mr. Wilson and pointed out to him your requirements.
He stated that he would bring only one light tractor engine, the main details he proposes to supply are:-
1 Round-about (Medium Size)
Dodgems and Cake Walk.
I took him round Selly Oak Park and he inspected the entrance in Harborne Lane and definitely stated that all his vehicles would pass over the canal bridge without damage.
Although this entrance could be used he asked me to suggest that he be allowed to enter at the first gate in Gibbons (sic) Rd. and then the tractor could run up the gravel path and not touch any part of the grass. There is plenty of room for this to enter here. He also stated that no engines would be stationed on the grass.
Hoping to receive your favourable reply.
I am,
Yours faithfully,
(Sd) A.E. Wheeler.
Hon. Secretary.
Your Sub-Committee recommend that subject to the Selly Oak and Bournbrook Children’s Christmas and Summer Party Fund agreeing to make good any damage done to the park the application be acceded to.
2694 Resolved:- That the application of Selly Oak and Bournbrook Children’s Christmas and Summer Party Fund for permission to hold their Annual Children’s Festival in Selly Oak Park on Saturday the 25th June, for the park to be closed to the public between the hours of 1.0 and 5.0 p.m. and a Fun Fair to be taken into the park be acceded to, subject to the Selly Oak and Bournbrook Children’s Christmas and Summer Party Fund undertaking to make good any damage done to the park.
24th June 1938 – Administration Sub-Committee
The following report of the General Manager was submitted:-
Police Report - Serious Accidents:
Park Name Address Nature of Injury
Selly Oak Riley, J. 4. 97 Denham Rd; Cut head; first aid
Acocks Green. and taken to Selly
Oak Hospital.
Selly Oak Park – Selly Oak and Bournbrook Children’s Christmas and Summer Party Fund
The General Manager informed the Committee that in connection with the permission which had been given to the Selly Oak and Bournbrook Children’s Christmas and Summer Party Fund to take a fun-fair into Selly Oak Park on the occasion of their Annual Children’s Festival on the 25th June, that the terms of the Secretary’s letter agreeing that only one tractor and certain side shows should be taken into the Park, had been contravened, and that three heavy traction engines and six caravans had been taken into the Park. The General Manager stated that he had informed the Secretary that everything except that for which permission had been granted must be removed from the Park immediately
6646 – Resolved:- That the action of the General Manager in informing the Secretary of the Selly Oak and Bournbrook Children’s Christmas and Summer Party Fund that everything except the one engine and side shows in respect of which permission had been granted must be removed from Selly Oak Park immediately, be confirmed, and that the General Manager be instructed to take all necessary steps to ensure compliance with the decision of the Committee in this matter.
2nd July 1938 – Birmingham News
The Week’s News from the Districts
Selly Oak
Selly Oak Carnival – Three beauty queens graced the rejuvenated Selly Oak Carnival and children’s festival held in Selly Oak Park on Saturday, Miss June Lammas (Miss England), and Miss Doreen Malan (Miss Warwickshire) assisting in the crowning of the Carnival Queen, Miss Rose Smith.
The crowning ceremony was performed at the Dawlish Road Schools before a tremendous gathering, the queen setting out with her attendants in the procession immediately after the fancy dresses had been judged by Miss Lammas and Miss Malin. On a golden chariot she was the focal point of the procession which included several ambitious tableaux, several jazz-bands and decorated vehicles conveying hundreds of children to the park.
Crowds of eager spectators waited on the route and the pavements of the main Bristol Road were filled for a considerable time before the sound of drums and symbals finally heralded the approach of the procession, the length of which disorganized traffic on ‘bus and tram routes.
During the afternoon the children took sole possession of the park, only officials and a few mothers being allowed within the gates. Most of the time until tea was spent in games and races, the three queens with attendants being among the spectators. Tea followed the sports, the lady workers catering for 2,000 children these being set out in schools on the grass.
The gates were opened in the evening and a big crowd witnessed the jazz-band competition which resulted in a win for the Mexicam Guards who were awarded the “J Hand” Challenge Cup. Billesley Arcadians were second and the Castle Guards third. The special roped-off arena was then used for a demonstration of living whist in which four adults played with 52 children from the Middlemore Homes as the cards.
Escorted by her attendants, Misses Barker, Wheatley, Pulfer and Lacy, the queen made a final tour of the ground including the fun fair and side shows before presenting the prizes from the central bandstand.
The sports winners were:
80 yds. Boys (10-12 years): 1, Guest; 2, McKenna; 3, Driver.
80 yds. handicap, Girls (10-12 years): 1, Hett; 2, Saunders; 3, Barstow.
80 yds. Boys (12-14): I, McKenna; 2, Lewis.
80 yds. Girls (12-14 years): 1, Greavey; 2, Mckenna; 3, Dolphin.
440 yds. Boys relay divisional championship: 1, Raddlebarn Road School.
Ditto, Girls: Selly Park School.
Tug of War: Raddlebarn Road.
Fancy dress prizes were awarded in the following order: Girls, Misses Corfield, Chapman, Cartwright, Cooper, Wilcox, Shakespear, Graineger, B. and M. Golding, Hardiman and Titmus. Boys, Haste, Joines, Collins, Holding, Reeves, B. Haste, Evans, Hooper and Hudson.
Deciorated vehicles: 1, Goodman; 2. Mantle.
Tableaux: 1, Monks; 2, Davis.
4th July 1938 – Parks Committee
The following report of the Administration Sub-Committee was submitted:-
Selly Oak Park
The Committee will remember at their last meeting permission was granted to the Selly Oak and Bournbrook Children’s Christmas and Summer Party Fund to hold their Annual Children’s Festival in Selly Oak Park on the 25th June and for a fun-fair to be taken into the Park on the understanding that the organisers would be responsible for any damage done.
This recommendation was made on the understanding, contained in a letter from the Secretary, that only one tractor would be taken on to the ground together with certain side-shows specified in the letter. At their last meeting which took place the day before the Park was to be used, your Sub-Committee were informed that three heavy traction engines had been taken on to the park with six caravans. While your General Manager had already taken action with regard to the removal of everything except the one engine and side shows in respect of which permission had been granted, your Sub-Committee instructed him to take all steps to ensure compliance with the decision of the Committee.
26th September 1938 – Administration Sub-Committee
The General Manager submitted the following report:-
Prosecutions – Offences in Parks
Departmental Prosecutions
Date Name Offence Result
13.8.38 Lancaster, H.T. (28) Cycling, Selly Oak Park Fined 10/-
3rd October 1938
The General Manager submitted the following report:-
Air Raid Precautions
I beg to report supplementary to the report of the Administration Sub-Committee that, according to a communication received from the City Engineer & Surveyor, Air Raid Trench Shelters have now been or are being constructed in the following parks and recreation grounds:-
(whilst Selly Oak Park is not listed, there are
a couple of later paragraphs in a long report:-)
The list supplied by the City Engineer & Surveyor is apparently not complete, as trenches have also been excavated at Selly Oak Park and notification was received on the 27th ultimo of the intention to proceed with similar trenches at Stetchford Recreation Ground.
(and later:-)
The precautions taken by the Military Authorities also involved the closing to the public of Oaklands Recreation Ground. The Military entered the recreation ground with guns during the night of 26th – 27th ultimo. and notified the Officer-in-Charge on his arrival at 7 a.m. that the recreation ground was to be kept closed to the public until further notice, and it is still so closed. The closing of this recreation ground and the work in connection with trench shelters at other parks has resulted in some loss of revenue to the Committee, as matches on the seven football pitches at Oaklands Recreation Ground had to be cancelled and also matches at Selly Oak Park, Black Patch Recreation Ground and Victoria Common, Northfield. The cricket and hockey pitches at Aston Park have also been cut up by the excavations for trench shelters, but arrangements have been made for the Hockey Club playing on the pitch at Aston Park to transfer for the time being to Salford Park. The revenue loss at present amounts to 45/- per week.
The list supplied by the City Engineer & Surveyor is apparently not complete, as trenches have also been excavated at Selly Oak Park and notification was received on the 27th ultimo of the intention to proceed with similar trenches at Stetchford Recreation Ground.
(and later:-)
The precautions taken by the Military Authorities also involved the closing to the public of Oaklands Recreation Ground. The Military entered the recreation ground with guns during the night of 26th – 27th ultimo. and notified the Officer-in-Charge on his arrival at 7 a.m. that the recreation ground was to be kept closed to the public until further notice, and it is still so closed. The closing of this recreation ground and the work in connection with trench shelters at other parks has resulted in some loss of revenue to the Committee, as matches on the seven football pitches at Oaklands Recreation Ground had to be cancelled and also matches at Selly Oak Park, Black Patch Recreation Ground and Victoria Common, Northfield. The cricket and hockey pitches at Aston Park have also been cut up by the excavations for trench shelters, but arrangements have been made for the Hockey Club playing on the pitch at Aston Park to transfer for the time being to Salford Park. The revenue loss at present amounts to 45/- per week.
17th October 1938 - General Purposes Sub-Committee
The following report of the General Manager was submitted:-
Football in the Parks, 1938/39
I beg to report that 390 clubs have been registered to play football on 196 pitches in the parks during the above season. This is a record number of clubs, exceeding last season’s total by fifty. Clubs applying before the closing date for receiving applications were accommodated as desired. All the parks and recreation grounds are now booked up for the season and additional pitches are urgently required, especially in Perry Barr, Kingstanding, Selly Oak, Bearwood and Small Heath districts.
17th October 1938 – Administration Sub-Committee, and reported on
24th October 1938 – Parks Committee
The General Manager submitted the following report:-
Brunt, S.A. Selly Oak Park Pk. Police. Left, own accord, 5.10.38
24th October 1938 – Parks Committee
Selly Oak Park – Memorial
The following resolution of the City Council was submitted, together with the memorial referred to therein:-
Mr. Councillor Dobbs presented a memorial from a number of residents on the Weoley Park Estate, asking for a revision of the hours of opening of Selly Oak Park, and the provision of a permanent right of way from Harborne Lane to Corisande Road through the park.
It was moved by Mr. Councillor Dobbs, seconded, and resolved –
34,130 That the memorial be received and referred to the Parks and Public Works Committees.
Memorial Presented by Councillor Dobbs
(about 400 signatures)
To the Lord Mayor, Aldermen and Citizens of Birmingham
We, the undersigned householders in the Weoley Park Estate, wish to draw the attention of the City Council to the serious inconvenience caused by the early closing hours of Selly Oak Park during the winter months. The park affords the only convenient means of access to Harborne Lane, and when it is closed the time taken to reach either the Outer Circle Bus route or the Bristol Road trams at Selly Oak, particularly the former, is nearly doubled. This affects not only the General Public throughout the evening, but particularly those who return from work between 5 and 7 p.m., and even (during the height of winter) school children on their way home from schools in Harborne and elsewhere.
We respectfully beg that consideration be given to the possibility of either –
(a) Keeping the Park open until 7 p.m. throughout the year, or
(b) Providing a permanent right of way from Harborne Lane to Corisande Road either along the route of the present footpath across the Park, or else alongside the Canal, such right of way to be fenced off from the Park and maintained as a public thoroughfare.
2965 Resolved:- That the foregoing resolution of the City Council be received and referred to the Administration Sub-Committee for consideration.
28th November 1938 - Administration Sub-Committee
Selly Oak Park – Extension of Closing Hours
The following resolution of the General Committee, together with the resolution of the City Council and the memorial referred to therein for the extension of closing hours at Selly Oak Park, was submitted:-
(The Minute then records the resolution – see above, 24th October 1938)
The General Manager stated that he was in communication with the City Engineer and Surveyor on this matter.
[1] Here the Sub-Committee Minute adds: “The path referred to is the cart road which was formerly the approach to Weoley Park farm house but since the new Housing Estate has been developed, this road leads to a “dead end” and it is undoubtedly in bad condition.”
[2] Here the Sub-Committee Minute adds: “if carried out the work would involve a rearrangement or possibly a reduction in the number of football pitches.”