1937 Clippings

Ongoing research; last updated 16 January 2017

25th January 1937 – Administration Sub-Committee

In connection with an item entitled “Cotteridge Park – Application for use”, the General Manager submitted a list of organizations which had been granted the exclusive use of parks since 1912.

The detail listed for Selly Oak Park was:-

Selly Oak and Bournbrook Children’s’ Party Fund (Children’s Party)
Years 1920-36 inclusive.
Park closed 1 – 5 p.m.  No charge for admission.  

25th January 1937 – Administration Sub-Committee, reported on
1st February 1937 – Parks Committee

The Administration Sub-Committee presented their report:-

Installation of Telephone

It is often necessary to get in touch with the Foreman of the Trees in Streets staff, Mr. A. Parker, in regard to cases where trees have been blown down or badly damaged during gales or snow, and arrangements have therefore been made for a telephone to be installed in his lodge at Selly Oak Park, Harborne Lane.

Your Sub-Committee recommend that the action taken be confirmed.

1624   Resolved:-  That the action taken in installing the telephone at the Lodge at Selly Oak Park occupied by the Foreman of the Trees in Streets staff, be confirmed.

26th April 1937 – Administration Sub-Committee

The General Manager submitted the following report:-

Police Report - Serious Accidents:

            Park                              Name                              Address                        Nature of Injury
Selly Oak                      J. Paine, 23                   7, Spernal Grove.         Concussion.
Selly Oak                      S. Starbuck, 66             5, Witton St.                  Cut hand.
Selly Oak                      L. Spencer, 17              6, Rodbourne Rd.         Broken leg.

26th April 1937 – Administration Sub-Committee, reported on
3rd May 1937 – Parks Committee

The following report of the Administration Sub-Committee was submitted:-

Selly Oak Park

An application has been received from the Selly Oak and Bournbrrok Children’s Christmas and Summer Party Fund for permission to hold their Annual Summer Party in Selly Oak Park on the 3rd or 10th July, and that for this purpose the park shall be closed and a small charge made for admission.  They state that they are asking for this favour as they are trying to make the festival something out of the ordinary, and it has been suggested that there should be a firework display and a bonfire.

In previous years they have been granted the use of the park from 1 – 5 p.m., and the park has been closed to the public during these hours, but no charge for admission has been made.

Your Sub-Committee feel that they are unable to recommend that the park should be closed to the public except between the hours of 1 p.m. and 5 p.m. and they do not consider that any charge should be made to the public.  With regard to the suggested firework display and bonfire, while your Sub-Committee do not think any objection need be raised to the firework display, they recommend that permission to have a bonfire be not granted.

1866   Resolved:-  That permission be granted to the Selly Oak and Bournbrook Children’s Christmas and Summer Party Fund to hold their Annual Summer Party in Selly Oak Park on either the 3rd or 10th July; the Park being closed to the public between the hours of 1 p.m. and 5 p.m., subject to there being no charge for admission and to no bonfire being allowed.

12th May 1937 - Coronation Celebrations

The programme of Coronation celebrations in Selly Oak Park.
(Photographs kindly contributed by Matt Felkin via Facebook)

27th September 1937 – Administration Sub-Committee, and reported on
4th October 1937 – Parks Committee

The following report of the Administration Sub-Committee was submitted:-

Selly Oak Park – Appointment of Foreman

Leonard Charlton, previously employed as a Gardener Labourer at Queen’s Park, Harborne, at a wage of £2. 16. 0. per week, has been appointed Foreman at Selly Oak Park at a wage of £3  per week as from the 11th August 1937.

This appointment was necessary to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of J.E. Archer on 26th June 1937.

Your Sub-Committee recommend that the appointment be confirmed.

2163   Resolved:-  That the appointment of L. Charlton as Foreman at Selly Oak Park at a wage of £3 per week as from the 11th August 1937 be confirmed.

18th October 1937 – Administration Sub-Committee

The following report of the General Manager was submitted:-

Police Report - Serious Accidents:

            Park                              Name                            Address                          Nature of Injury
Selly Oak                      A. Davies, 13              143, Weoley Avenue.     Broken arm.

20th December 1937 – Administration Sub-Committee

The following report of the General Manager was submitted:-


            Name                  Park                 Nature of Employment
Cooper, R.C.     Selly Oak          Pk. Policeman               Left own accord, 22.12 37