1936 Clippings

Ongoing research; last updated 6 April 2011

27th January 1936 – Administration Sub-Committee

The Secretary submitted a report:-

Police Report - Serious Accidents:

            Park                              Name                            Address                        Nature of Injury
Selly Oak                      J. Roberts, 14               80 Dale Rd.                   Broken Thumb.

27th April 1936 – Administration Sub-Committee

The Secretary submitted a report:-

Police Report - Serious Accidents:

            Park                  Name                            Address                          Nature of Injury
Selly Oak          Ridley, J. (16)              123, Somerford Rd.       Broken arm.

25th May 1936 – General Purposes Sub-Committee, reported on
25th May 1936 – Administration Sub-Committee, reported on
8th June 1936 – Parks Committee

The General Purposes Sub-Committee presented their report:-

Selly Oak Park – Bowling Green

The Superintendent has suggested that the bowling green at this park should be converted into grass tennis courts, as it is rarely used by bowlers.  The total amount of the income from the bowling green last year was £2. 10. 3. and for the first month of this season 3/3d.

There are at present two grass tennis courts at this park, and the income from these last year was £16.  The Superintendent states, however, that there is a greater demand for the tennis courts this year, and at times the Park-keeper is unable to accommodate persons desirous of playing.

The cost of the necessary equipment for two courts consisting of tennis posts, cross nets and boundary netting, would amount to approximately £17.

Your Sub-Committee recommend that these proposals be approved, and the necessary equipment purchased.

1162   Resolved:-  That the proposals for converting the bowling green at Selly Oak Park into two grass tennis courts, including the purchase of the necessary equipment at a cost of approximately £17 be approved.

The Administration Sub-Committee presented their report:-

Use of Parks

Permission has been granted to the following organisations to have the use of parks and recreation grounds as mentioned below on the dates and for the purposes stated:-

Date     Park                               Organisation                             Purpose
July 11  Selly Oak                      Selly Oak & Bournbrook          Annual summer
              (Pk. closed fr.               Children’s Christmas               Party
              1-5 p.m.)                       & Summer Party Fund

1170   Resolved:-  That the granting of the use of the various Parks and Recreation Grounds to the organisations upon the dates and for the purposes set out in the foregoing report, be confirmed.

6th July 1936

There was considerable damage caused to Victoria Common in Northfield, Kings Norton Playing Fields, and Cotteridge Park as a result of swings, roundabouts, caravans and traction engines used at various carnivals and events.  As a consequence the General Manager[1] reported:

“In the circumstances, it is suggested that the Committee should seriously consider in future, the question of permitting swings, roundabouts, caravans and traction engines being taken into any parks in connection with functions held in the parks with the Committee’s permission.”

There was no response recorded in the minute of this meeting.

18th July 1936 – Birmingham News

Children’s Festival
Two Thousand Take Part
In Selly Oak Park

The annual Selly Oak and Bournbrook children’s Festival was held in Selly Oak Park on Wednesday evening having been postponed from the previous Saturday on account of the weather.
It was possible, however, for the two thousand one hundred children who took part in the festival to be given tea on the actual day.  This was done by splitting up the children into schools and having separate tea parties in each school.
Although the continuous rain had kept the ground in a very wet condition, there was almost unbroken sunshine on Wednesday evening, a tremendous gathering of residents taking place in the park.  The procession reached the park via Dawlish Road, Bristol Road, and Frederick Road, led by Elliott’s Band followed by the various schools with the Bourneville Ambulance Brigade at the rear.  The chief marshal was Mr. A. West and Mr. P. Halward assisted.
Many spectators witnessed the schools net-ball competition in the final of which St. Mary’s defeated Selly Park, the score being 5-2.  The tug-of-war for the Quinton Shield resulted in a rather easy win for the Middlemore Homes by three clear pulls.  The relay race also went to the Middlemore boys.  Mr. F. Walls was the judge.
Maypole Dancing
There was a picturesque display of Maypole dancing given by a hundred scholars trained by Misses Garrett and Mills.  The jazz band competition was closely watched, three local combinations competing for the cup presented by Mr. J. Hand.  The judges were Capt. Darby (marching and discipline), Mrs. Gumbley (dress), Mr. T. Osborne (rhythm), and the placings were: 1. Northfield Scarlet Pimpernels; 2. Bounrnbrook and Selly Oak; 3. Cotteridge Prize Band.
Councillor A.F. Bradbeer presented prizes to competition and fancy dress winners, successful entrants in the latter classes being:-
Girls: 1, Iris Field; 2, Nina Light; 3, Barbara Mills; 4, Lilly Dutton; 5, Mary Miles; 6, Christina and Doreen Farrell.
Boys: 1, Wesley J. Pope; 2, Frank Dutton; 3, Reginald Day; 4, Geoffrey Handley and George Butler; 5, Cyril Wood.
The officers are: Mr. H. Reading (president), Mr. A. West (chairman), Mr. A. Pugh (vice-chairman), Mr. H. Roberts (treasurer), Mr. J. Hand (entertainment chairman), Mr. E. Richardson (entertainment secretary), Mr. E. Lynall (catering chairman), Mrs. J. Hart (catering secretary), Mr. W.C. Clarke (jazz band contest secretary), Mr. A.W. Butler (general secretary).

20th July 1936 – Administration Sub-Committee, reported on
27th July 1936 – Parks Committee

The Administration Sub-Committee presented their report:-

Use of Parks

Permission has been granted to the following organisations to have the use of parks and recreation grounds as mentioned below on the dates and for the purposes stated:-

(from which)

Date     Park                             Organisation                                 Purpose
July 20  Selly Oak                    B’ham. Committee, Inter-            Public Meeting
                                    .              national Peace campaign

1170   Resolved:-  That the granting of the use of the Parks to the organisations upon the dates and for the purposes set out in the foregoing report be confirmed.

25th July 1936 – Birmingham News

Log Roller

Lord Mayor, Parks Committee, officials, inspected city parks on Wednesday, found everything okay.
Wet weather, hard on some blooms, has kept the grass wonderfully fresh and green by way of compensation.
Birmingham has 33 parks, 91 recreation grounds, 31 small open spaces (nice distinction) totaling 3,828 acres

28th September 1936 – Administration Sub-Committee, reported on
5th October 1936

The Administration Sub-Committee presented their report:-

Staff – Foremen

Consequent upon the death of Mr. J. Reay, who was foreman gardener at Highbury Park, a vacancy occurs for a foreman there, and your Sub-Committee recommend that G. C. Stagg, the foreman at Selly Oak Park, be appointed to the position at a wage of £3. 0.0. per week. His present wages are £2. 17. 10.

Your Sub-Committee also recommend that J.E. Archer, a gardener at Cannon Hill Park, be transferred to fill the vacancy at Selly Oak Park, and his wages increased from £2. 13. 10 to £2. 17. 10. per week.

1382   Resolved:-  That G. C. Stagg, formerly Foreman at Selly Oak Park, be appointed as Foreman Gardener at Highbury Park at a wage of £3. 0.0. per week, as from the 5th October 1936.

1383   Resolved:-  That J.E. Archer, Gardener, Cannon Hill Park, be transferred to Selly Oak Park as Foreman at a wage of £2. 17. 10. per week, as from 5th October 1936.

23rd November 1936 – Administration Sub-Committee

The following report of the General Manager was submitted:-

Prosecutions – Offences in Parks

Departmental Prosecutions[2]
            Date                 Name                              Offence                          Result
6.10.36.           Willetts, Wm. (15)          Selly Oak Park              Fined 5/-

[1]  During 1936, the Parks Committee recommended to the Salaries Committee that the salary of the Secretary of the Parks Committee, Mr. E.S. White be increased to reflect the executive control he had over all in the Parks Department.  Their recommendation was not upheld, despite appeals.  In response, and to underline the important executive role that Mr White held, his title was changed to General Manager.
[2]  The Courts became so inundated with prosecutions for minor offences in the parks that provision was made for them to be handled by the City Council.