Ongoing research; last updated on 16 March 2011
23rd April 1934 – General Purposes Sub-Committee, reported on
7th May 1934 – Parks Committee
The General Purposes Sub-Committee presented their report:-
Cricket in the Parks, 1934
The allocation of clubs to cricket pitches was dealt with at the beginning of this month in accordance with the procedure of former years.
All clubs were accommodated at the park or alternative park desired and no ballot was necessary. At the present time 165 cricket clubs have been allocated pitches and there is still accommodation as follows:-
Selly Oak Park: No. of clubs for whom accommodation is still available - 3
10809 Resolved:- That the arrangements for the allocation of clubs to cricket pitches in the parks during the 1934 season as detailed in the foregoing report be confirmed.
28th May 1934 – Administration Sub-Committee, reported on
4th June 1934
The Administration Sub-Committee presented their report:-
Use of Parks, etc.
The use of the parks as mentioned below has been granted to the organisations on the dates and for the purposes stated:-
Date Park Organisation Purpose
July 7 Selly Oak Selly Oak & Bournbrook Annual Children’s
(Pk. closed to. Children’s Christmas & Party
Public from Summer Party Fund
1 - 5 p.m.)
10860 Resolved:- That the granting of the use of the various Parks to the organisations upon the dates and for the purposes set out in the foregoing report be confirmed.
14th July 1934 – Birmingham News
The Week’s News from the Districts
Selly Oak
Children’s Festival – Selly Oak and Bournbrook Children’s Festival was held last Saturday. The procession, a mile long, and composed of many decorated vehicles and children, assembled at Coronation Road. Thence it travelled via Dawlish Road and Bristol Road to Selly Oak Park, where about 2,000 children were entertained.
An interested visitor during the afternoon was the Mayor of Worcester, Mr. A.E. Looker, an old resident who some 25 years ago was a member of the Selly Oak Festival Committee. Mr. Ronald Cartland, prospective Unionist candidiate for Kings Norton Division, was also present.
There were only two athletic events. Middlemore Homes seniors won the tug-of-war contest for the Quinton Shield, defeating Tiverton Road by two pulls to one, and wresting the trophy from the holders for two years. The shield was presented to the winners by the Mayoress of Worcester.
In the net-ball contest Selly Park won for the third year in succession, by defeating St. Mary’s by 17-1. The Harbun Cup was the trophy, and was presented by Mr. H. Reading (chairman of the festival committee) on behalf of Mrs. Harbun.
23rd July 1934 – General Purposes Sub-Committee
The Secretary submitted the following report:-
Football in the Parks - Nig-Nog Football League
I beg to report that a communication has been received from Mr. G. Hess of the Evening Despatch Children’s Ring, stating that they require the following pitches in connection with the Nig-Nog Football league for the 1934/5 season:-
Selly Oak Park 1 (total of 27 pitches required)
In previous years, the letting of football pitches to the Nig-Nog Football League has been as follows:-
1931-2 10 pitches
1932-3 8 “
1933-4 12 “
The matches played under the auspices of this organization are played on Saturday afternoons, and are confined to boys under 14 years of age. The matches last one hour and two matches are played on each pitch. The charge made by the department is 1/- per match, i.e. 2/- per pitch plus 1/- for use of dressing room.
As the Committee is aware, the usual charge to clubs for football pitches in the parks is 3/- per pitch, plus 1/- for dressing room, except in the case of clubs affiliated to the Birmingham Juvenile Organisations Committee, which clubs pay 2/- per match, plus the usual charge for dressing room accommodation.
If the application of the Nig-Nog Football league for 27 pitches is acceded to, it may result in other clubs being affected, and the Committee suffering some loss of revenue.
In these circumstances, the Committee’s instructions are desired upon the application now received.
It may be pointed out that the Nig-Nog Football League is an unaffiliated organization, and is therefore not recognized by the Football Association, or the Birmingham County Football Association. The Juvenile Organisations Committee is, of course, a duly affiliated organization.
Football in the Parks – Nig-Nog Football League
4994 The Secretary suggested that it would be advisable to deal with the allocation of football pitches in the parks for the coming season in the ordinary way and to allow the teams playing in the Nig-Nog League to have such pitches as remained available, and the matter was left in the hands of the Chairman and the Secretary to settle on these lines.
24th September 1934 – Administration Sub-Committee, reported on
8th October 1934
The Administration Sub-Committee presented their report:-
Selly Oak Park
In February 1923, the Committee at the request of the Birmingham Battery & Metal Co. Ltd., provided a wicket gate in the fencing at this park, for the use of the occupants of Weoley Park House, upon condition that the wicket gate was to be used only during the hours the park is open to the public.
The house in question was vacated recently by Mr. H. C. Lowe of the Battery Co. and was let by them to Mr. S. P. Dobbs, who is Head of the Statistical Department of Cadbury Bros. Ltd. It is understood that Mr. Dobbs’ tenancy is for a period ending in March 1939.
He has now applied for the privilege in connection with the gateway, to be continued, and is willing to pay an annual acknowledgement and to undertake that it shall only be used by himself and the members of his family.
Your Sub-Committee recommend that the application be acceded to upon payment of an annual acknowledgement of 21/-, the arrangement to be terminable by either party by three month’s notice.
11025 Resolved:- That the application of Mr. S. P. Dobbs for the privilege of using the wicket gate leading from Weoley Park House into Selly Oak Park, be acceded to upon the terms mentioned in the foregoing report, and the Town Clerk instructed to prepare and seal such documents as may be necessary in the matter.