1935 Clippings

Ongoing research; last updated 18 July 2011

31st December, 1934 – Administration Sub-Committee, reported on
7th January, 1935 – Parks Committee

The Administration Sub-Committee presented their report:-

Sons of Rest

The following information is submitted regarding the provision of shelters for the “Sons of Rest”.

The parks where no such accommodation has yet been provided are:-

Selly Oak (- part of a longer list)

1st April 1935 – Parks Committee

Selly Oak Park – Easement for Gateway – Mr. S. P. Dobbs

On continued Minute No. 11025 the Town Clerk submitted at report:

Report with reference to Minute No. 11025

I have to report that in accordance with the above Minute I have completed an agreement with Mr. S.P. Dobbs of Weoley Park House, relating to the use of a gateway leading from his property into Selly Oak Park, on his paying an annual acknowledgement of £1. 1. 0.

220  Resolved:-  That the report of the Town Clerk be approved and Minute No. 11025 discharged.

29th April 1935 – Administration Sub-Committee

The Secretary submitted a report:

Dogs in Parks

It will be remembered that in July last year, this Sub-Committee had under consideration a communication from the National Canine Defence League, regarding the lack of facilities in the Birmingham parks for dogs accompanied by their owners, to run free, and asking for a relaxation of the regulations.

I was then instructed to report as to the parks and recreation grounds where it might be possible to permit dogs to be exercised off the lead.  The matter was subsequently referred to the Chairman of the General Committee, but owing to his illness, it has remained in abeyance.

A further communication has now been received from the National Canine Defence League, of which the following is a copy:-

Victoria Station House,
London S.W.1
9th April 1935
The Chairman,
Parks Committee,

Dear Sir,

In response to the wishes of a number of Birmingham dog-owners I beg to ask whether it is not possible for your Committee to grant some facilities in the parks for the exercising of dogs.  I am sure that you will agree that in these days when every effort is being made to reduce the toll of the roads, it is desirable to encourage dog-owners to refrain from allowing their dogs at large in busy thoroughfares, and I would suggest that one of the ways of accomplishing this is by affording them opportunities for exercising in places where human lives will not be endangered.  Might I ask, therefore, that your Committee will be good enough to consider whether it is not possible to set aside some portions of the parks where dogs may be exercised off the leash.  If it is not possible to grant this concession for the whole of the day, perhaps you will kindly consider whether certain hours cannot be set aside for this purpose, as is done in other municipalities.
Thanking you in anticipation of your kind consideration.
Yours faithfully,
(sgd) Charles R. Johns.

Having regard to the previous resolution of the Sub-Committee, I have gone into the matter with the Superintendent, and if the Committee feel inclined to accede to the application that some portions of certain parks should be freed from the restriction during certain hours of the day, he suggests that the relaxation might extend to the following parks in the portions specified, namely:-

Selly Oak Park                 Area alongside canal.

The Committee’s further instructions are desired.

Dogs in the Parks

5833   Resolved:-  That the Secretary’s report relating to the proposed facilities for the exercising of dogs in the parks be referred back for further consideration, and that he be instructed to obtain information as to the practice in other towns, this Sub-Committee being of the opinion that it is very undesirable that dogs should be permitted on the Football pitches, or in any place where they are likely to interfere with the use of the Park by the children[1].

Police Report - Serious Accidents:

            Park                              Name                              Address                        Nature of Injury
Selly Oak                      Jewell, G. (26)               48, Vaughton St.           Cut thigh.
Selly Oak                      Hamer, H. (21)               62, Bloomsbury St.       Cut hand
4th May 1935 – Birmingham News

Jubilee Celebrations in Birmingham
Detailed Programme

(In a long article:-)

Entertainments in the Parks

Selly Oak Park: 3 p.m. – 5 p.m., The Northfield Prize Band; 7.p.m. – 9 p.m., The Northfield Prize Band.

11th May 1935 – Birminham News

The Jubilee Spirit in Evidence at Selly Oak
Dancing held in the Street

It is no exaggeration to say that the residents of Selly Oak entered into the spirit of the Jubilee as whole-heartedly as any in Birmingham.
Practically every street had decorations of some kind, and competition was keen for the honour of having the brightest and best decorated street.  The most brilliant arrays were to be seen in Lottie, Dawlish and Tiverton Roads.
The fact that no official arrangements had been made for celebrations apart from the entertainments in the parks did not deter the residents, who by house to house collections obtained considerable sums for children’s games and teas.
One of the most successful of these affairs was held in Lottie Road where Mrs.Lilley arranged for an afternoon of chidren’s sports with prizes for all the winners and a large tea-party, at which over 150 children were present.
Dancing in the Streets
During the evening dancing was held in the street, the music being provided by a pianist and jazz drummer.  To ensure the success of this venture many residents contributed money or food.  Mr. Keyte gave the butter, Mrs. Wise bread and fruit, Mrs. Rogers, Mrs. Attlewells, Mrs. Moore, Mrs. Goodman, Mr. Lawler, milk, Mrs. Lawler, Mrs. Dowlwer, Mrs. Shaw, Mrs. Barling, Mr. Barker, Mrs Hunt, Mrs Thompson, Mrs. Draper, Mrs. Cross, Mrs. Therman, and Mr. Griffiths also contributing.
Numerous parties similar to this were held throughout the district, and thanks largely to the perfect weather they all proved successful.  Dawlish Road was able to boast three tea parties and a total of roughly 200 children were catered for.  Weoley Castle, too, was not to be outdone, and had a thoroughly enjoyable time, although the decorations were more subdued than at the opposite side of Selly Oak, where trees and houses were covered with paper decorations and flags; hundreds of strips of bunting stretched across the road and portraits of the King and Queen looked from every window.
Park Entertainments
Residents of Selly Oak were lucky in being able to choose between two parks’ entertainments.  In Muntz Park, Will Clayton’s Black and White Concert Party entertained during the afternoon, and the Bohemians Concert Party in the evening.
There was a good crowd in Selly Oak Park, where the Northfield Prize Band, conducted by Mr. W. Hackett, played during both afternoon and evening.
The churches received fairly good attendances for their thanksgiving services, although nothing ambitious was attempted by either St. John’s Methodist or St. Paul’s Methodist Churches as they are preparing for the Sunday School anniversaries, which will be held tomorrow (Sunday).  At St. Mary’s Parish Church a Choral Eucharist was held at 8 a.m. on Sunday, and at the main morning servce there was a parade by the Selly Oak Branch of the British Legion banners being arranged from all parts of Birmingham.  The Rev Perfitt, Vicar, conducted the service, and a special Choral Eucharist at 8 a.m. on Monday.
Numerous dances were held at the hotels, and the occasion proved equally pleasant to both old and young.

13th May 1935 – Parks Committee

The Administration Sub-Committee presented their report (minute dated 29th April 1934):-

Selly Oak Tithe rent-charge

Your Sub-committee have considered the following letter from the General Manager of the Estates Department:-

“Messrs. Holbeche & Son, the Agents for this Tithe, advise me that Mr. Douglas James is proposing to redeem, by way of merger, the Tithe on the Selly Park Estate, Gibbins Road, which forms part of a large area of land included in a Tithe Field containing about 395 acres.  This covers part of the Weoley Castle Housing Estate, Lodge Hill Cemetery, and Selly Oak Park.

The commuted amount of the charge is 16/-, and the cost of redemption is estimated to be £24. 16. 0.  Of this amount Mr. James will pay £4. 19. 4., leaving £19. 16. 8. for the Corporation’s proportion.

Although it is not the Corporation’s policy to redeem tithe at the present time, they can be compelled to do upon the application of Mr. James as part owner of the Tithe Field, and as Compulsory redemption is more trouble, it would be best to join in the redemption voluntarily.

Would you kindly state if your Committee would agree to pay, say, one quarter of the cost apportioned to the Corporation, viz: £5.”

The General Manager has been informed that in the circumstances your Committee would agree to pay the sum of £5 towards the cost of redemption of this tithe rent-charge.

323   Resolved:-  That the proposal that this Committee should contribute the sum of £5 towards the cost of the redemption of the tithe rent charge in respect of Selly Park Estate, including part of Weoley Castle Estate, Lodge Hill Cemetery, and Selly Oak Park, as mentioned in the foregoing report, be approved.

27th May 1935 – Administration Sub-Committee

The Secretary submitted a report:-

Silver Jubilee Celebrations

I submit herewith for the information of the Committee, a schedule of the entertainments provided in the parks and recreation grounds in connection with the Silver Jubilee Celebrations on the 6th May 1935, which schedule contains a record of the approximate attendances at such entertainments, the amount of damage and litter and of the general behavior of the public.

I may say that in several of the smaller recreation grounds, tea parties were arranged for children by parents in the immediate vicinity of such recreation grounds, and it is reported that in such cases, the whole of the litter was cleared away by the parents and children concerned.

The expense in connection with the entertainments provided in the parks and recreation grounds were, of course, defrayed by the Jubilee Celebrations Committee.

Jubilee Celebrations
6th May, 1935
Schedule of entertainments provided in the Parks and Recreation Grounds,
and records of Attendances, etc

Selly Oak Park

3-5 p.m. Afternoon Entertainments                     Northfield Prize Band
7-9 p.m. Evening Entertainments                        Northfield Prize Band
Attendances - Aft.                                                 600
Attendances - Eve.                                              300
Amount of Damage                                             nil
Amount of Litter                                                    Not much
General behavior of Public                                 Good

3rd June 1935 – Parks Committee

The Administration Sub-Committee presented their report (minute dated 27th May 1935):-

Use of Parks

Permission has been granted to the following organisations to have the use of parks as mentioned below on the dates and for the purposes stated:-

Date          Park                               Organisation                                Purpose
June 29     Selly Oak                       Selly Oak & Bournbrook            Annual Children’s
                   (Pk. closed to.              Children’s Christmas                  Party
                   Public 1-5 p.m.)            & Summer Party Fund

387   Resolved:-  That the granting of the use of the various Parks and Recreation Grounds to the organisations upon the dates and for the purposes set out in the foregoing report be confirmed.

The Secretary submitted a report:-

Selly Oak Park – Weoley Park Farm Estate

The Weoley Park Farm Estate adjoining this park is being extensively built up by the Excelda Housing Supplies Ltd. who have offered to convey to the Corporation, free of cost, the strip of land 20 ft. wide, shown on the plan now submitted, for the purpose of providing an entrance to the park from the building estate.

The cost to your department of providing the entrance, including fencing, paving, gates, approach road etc. is estimated at approximately £120.  There is no provision for this expenditure in the Committee’s estimates for the current financial year, but there is no doubt an entrance such as that referred to would be of very great benefit to the residents of the new estate and the adjoining Weoley Castle Estate.

The Committee’s instructions are desired.

Selly Oak Park – Weoley Park Farm Estate

410   Resolved[2]:-  That the offer of “Excelda” Housing Supplies Ltd. to convey to the Corporation, free of charge, a strip of land for the purpose of providing an entrance to Selly Oak Park, as mentioned in the foregoing report, be accepted, subject to the Finance Committee agreeing to the necessary expenditure estimated at £120, for the provision of such entrance; and that the Town Clerk be instructed to prepare and seal the requisite documents in the matter.

6th July 1935 – Birmingham News

1,500 Children Take Part in Festival
Colourful Scenes at Selly Oak

Although several similar festivals were held at the same time and in the same district, the Selly Oak and Bournbrook Children’s Festival, held in Selly Oak Park on Saturday, did not appear to suffer in attendance.
Over 1,500 children took part in the event, and it is perfectly certain that each of those children had a happy day, due in a great measure to the glorious sunshine.
The festival commenced with a procession which started at the corner of Dawlish Road and Coronation Road, and marched to Selly Oak Park via Dawlish Road, Bristol Road and Frederick Road.
Led by Elliott’s Band, the procession made a colourful sight as it passed in the following order:- Elliott’s Band; Selly Park Children; Decorated  Cycles; Tiverton Road School; Miss Betty Fox’s Troupe of Dancers; St. Wulstan’s Girls; the Woodgate Band; a Maypole Tableau; St. Mary’s School; St. Edward’s School; Decorated Prams; Raddlebarn School, boys and juniors; St. Wulstan’s Boys; Bournbrook Melody Makers; and Bournville Ambulance Brigade.
Fancy Dress Parade
Mrs. and Miss T. Randle, Mr. and Mrs. S. Quinton, and Mr. Wren judged the fancy dress, prizes being won by:-
Boys: 1, J. Hadley; 2, G. Butler; 3, F. Dutton; 4, E. Hanson; 5, R. Parry; 6, H. Deeley.
Girls: 1, M. Cashmore; 2, I. Field; 3, J. Grainger; 4, B. Downe; 5, J. Perry; 6, D. Partridge.
A Maypole dancing display was presented following the fancy dress parade.  Over 100 scholars took part in the maypole dancing, which provided a delightful spectacle.  The success of this event was largely due to Miss Garrett and Miss Mills, who had trained the children.
Miss Betty Fox, who is so well known in the district, presented her troupe in a dancing display, which proved equally entertaining to children and adults, and was repeated again in the evening.
Selly Park School were defeated in the inter-school net-ball competition.  This is the first time since the trophy was presented, several years ago, that the Selly Park School has failed to win.  The victors were St. Wulstan’s, Bournbrook, who defeated the holders by eleven goals to four.
A large number of side shows, including hoop-la, coconut, darts and skittles, were well patronised by the large crowd.
A very enjoyable festival was brought to a close by dancing, which finished at dusk.
The festival officers were:- President, Mr. H. Reading; chairman, Mr. A. West; vice-chairman, Mr. A. Pugh; hon. treasurer, Mr. H. Roberts; hon. secretaries, Messrs. W.C. Baldwin and A.W. Butler; chief marshal, Mr. A. West; judges, Mr. and Mrs. S. Quinton, Mr. Wren, Mr. and Mrs. T. Randle.

24th June 1935 – General Purposes Sub-Committee, reported on
24th June 1935 – Administration Sub-Committee, also reported on
8th July 1935 – Parks Committee

Selly Oak Park
Weoley Park Farm Estate – Proposed New Entrance

On continued Minute No. 410, the following resolution of the Finance Committee was received:-

The resolution of the Parks Committee (Selly Oak Park – Weoley Park Farm Estate) was submitted.

The Treasurer also submitted a report on the matter.

7181   Resolved:-  That the resolution of the Parks Committee and the report of the Treasurer be received and entered on the Minutes, and that the Parks Committee be informed that this Committee offer no objection to the expenditure of £120 upon the provision of the new entrance to Selly Oak Park, on the understanding that every effort will be made by the Parks department to ensure that their estimates for the current financial year will not be exceeded.

The General Purposes Sub-Committee presented their report:-

Selly Oak Park

A complaint was recently received regarding the entrance to this park from Harborne Lane.  The complaint stated that the pathway is in a shocking condition, and has been so for the last ten years.[3]

The Architectural Assistant has inspected the pathway in question which runs for about 70 yards from the highway to the bridge over the canal, and is five yards wide.

There is no drainage and as a result, during storm periods, the gravel is washed away.

The Architectural Assistant agrees that the entrance is in a bad condition, and suggests that the only satisfactory method of dealing with it, is to treat it with tarred limestone at the estimated cost of £100, made up as follows:-

350 yards sup. tarred limestone at 4/- per yard ................................. £70
2 large gullies with necessary connection to sewer in the road ......  £15
140 yards of kerbing ............................................................................. £15

There is no provision for this expenditure in your Committee’s estimates for the current year, but your Sub-Committee recommend that an item be included in next year’s estimates to cover this work.

446   Resolved:-  That provision be made in next year’s estimates for repairs to the pathway leading from Harborne Lane to Selly Oak Park, as mentioned in the foregoing report.

The Administration Sub-Committee presented their report:-
Selly Oak Park

Your Sub-Committee have granted permission to the Selly Oak Ward Labour Party[4] to use a portion of Selly Oak Park for a children’s party on Saturday, August 17th, 1935.  It is proposed to give tea to the children and have sports and entertainments in the early evening.

Approval of the action taken is desired.

465   Resolved:-  That the granting of the use of a portion of Selly Oak Park to the Selly Oak Ward Labour Party for the purpose of a children’s party on Saturday, August 17th, 1935, as mentioned in the foregoing report, be confirmed.

23rd July 1935 – Parks Department (Operations Card 26 A1)

Area 5 – Area (0.07 acres = 0.0283 hectares, in Corisande Rd., Selly Oak, 29) given by D.D. James Esq. through Excelda Housing Supplies Ltd. to form an access way of 20 ft. from Weoley Park Farm Estate and the Parks Committee were instructed to provide the necessary entrance at an estimated cost of £120.  (Conveyance No. 674 dated the 4th September 1935) (City Council Minute No. 32,259 dated 23rd July 1923 refers)  (This took the toal area of the Park up to 31.15 acres (= 12.6059 hectares).)

26th July 1935 – Parks Committee

Selly Oak Park – Proposed New Entrance, Weoley Park Farm Estate

On continued Minutes Nos. 410 and 426, the following resolution of the City Council was received:-

It was moved by Alderman Lovsey, seconded, and resolved:-

32,259  That the offer of Excelda Housing Supplies Ltd., to convey to the Corporation, free of charge, a strip of land giving access to Selly Oak Park from Weoley Park Farm, as set out in the foregoing report, be accepted; and that the Parks Committee be instructed to provide the necessary entrance at an estimated cost of £120.

4th September 1935 - Conveyance from Mr. D.D. James.



Photographs of the 1935 Conveyance of the entrance to Selly Oak Park,
kindly made available by Birmingham City Council.

28th October 1935 – Parks Committee

Selly Oak Park – New Entrance, Weoley Park Farm Estate

On Minute 410 the Town Clerk submitted a report:-

Report with reference to Minute 410

I have to report that in accordance with your above Minute I have completed the Conveyance from Douglas Dyas James (Excelda Housing Supplies Ltd.) of a piece of land for the purposes of an entrance to Selly Oak Park.
(signed)   Town Clerk

692  Resolved:-  That the report of the Town Clerk be approved and Minute No. 410 discharged.

25th November 1935 – Administration Sub-Committee, reported on
9th December 1935 – Parks Committee

The Secretary submitted a report:-

Selly Oak Park – The Girl Guides
I beg to report that an application has been made on behalf of the Kings Norton Division of the Girl Guides, for permission to plant six Silver Birch trees in Selly Oak Park to commemorate H.M. Silver Jubilee.  The trees they propose to plant would be from 4 to 5 ft. high, and they want to plant them in one group.

The Superintendent states that there is a suitable site near the shelter in the centre of the park.

The Committee’s decision is desired.

Selly Oak Park – The Girl Guides
5959   Resolved:-  That the application of the Kings Norton Division of the Girl Guides for permission to plant six silver birch trees in Selly Oak Park to commemorate H.M. Silver Jubilee be acceded to.

Police Report - Serious Accidents:

            Park                              Name                              Address                          Nature of Injury
Selly Oak                      A. Green (23)                 50, Highgate Rd.           Cut eye.
Selly Oak                      J. Curran (18)                6/25, Brewery St.           Cut eye.

30th December 1935 – Administration Sub-Committee

The Secretary submitted his report:-

Police Report - Serious Accidents:

            Park                              Name                            Address                        Nature of Injury
            Selly Oak                      E. Rankin (19)               4/95, Grosvenor St. W.  Torn Ligament.

[1]  The minute of the Administration Sub-Committee dated 24th June 1935 records the results of the Secretary’s research; and their recommendation that the General Committee not accede to the application of the National Canine Defence League.
[2]  This matter was reported by the Parks Committee to a meeting of the Council on 23rd July 1935.
[3]  This was a common complaint across the City parks – and arose through budget cuts having to be made over previous years.  Thus pathways had not been well maintained.
[4]  The minute of the Sub-Committee records that the application was lodged by Mr. S.R. Watts, 70, Midhurst Road, Kings Norton.